2011 - A Year in Review
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
It has been a few days. I think I'm vacation cursed. I've been sick the last few days. The one room that I became very close with at the San Diego Hilton was the bathroom. It is awful. Hopefully I'm better now. I've been drink Pepto like water.
I started to feel sick at the Safari Park. I couldn't eat anything for dinner. I was up at 4 am and spent 3 hours in the bathroom. I thought I was going to die. I managed to get well enough for our Tijuana tour.
Tijuana was a bust and a dump. They are so poor and the houses are shanties. Kind of sad. We spent some dollars on leather goods and jewelry that the vendors were pushing. They are like vultures. Very annoying. We had lunch and came back to the US. I'm sure if I felt better I would have enjoyed it more. The crossing back to US took well over an hour. We got back to San Diego and Eric, Mike and Mom went on a harbor cruise without me. I was too sick. I actually took a nap. I felt better last night but still couldn't eat anything.
I had another rude awakening this morning but atleast I could sleep in until 5:30. But I finally had an appetite! We left San Diego by 8am. We took the very long way back to Las Vegas via Palm Springs, Joshua Tree National Park and 29 Palms. It was an interesting drive with different scenery. We are currently standing on I-15, 51 miles from Vegas. Ugh! Tonight we are meeting my cousin Jerry.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Hello from the back seat of the minivan standing in a long line for the entrance to the Safari Park in Escondido, CA. It is part of the San Diego Zoo...but much cooler...which probably why we are standing in this long line. :( We are with my cousin Bev. We are heading to the park with her.
The weather is gorgeous. 83 degrees and sunny. Too bad my capri jeans got fish guts all over them yesterday.
Yesterday was a great day. Steve took us to Newport Beach and checked out the beach and ocean. There were a ton of surfers out. The water was freezing! It was also very foggy. We checked out the pier where they were fishing for smelt. We saw a sea lion and I leaned over the pier to get a better look and I got fish guts all over me. Gross! Somebody cleaned their fish on the pier railing. I also got to hold a crab. After that we went to Downtown Disney for some shopping and lunch. We saw some Oregon Duck players.
We had dinner with Steve, Susie, Mike, their son and Miguel a friend. We went to outback steakhouse. It was such a nice night and the place was packed we ate on the patio under heaters. It was so nice. The gave me ice cream for my birthday...too bad I don't like ice cream...I shared it with everybody. After dinner Steve and Susie gave me a Christmas Train for my birthday. It was a great night!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Last night was great. We went over the Steve and Susie's house. It was so nice to see the family again. Mike is so grown up now! We had some dinner and watch some TV. It was a good night.
I'm not sure what the plan is for today. I think we are heading to the beach. Sweet!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Tracie gave us the Pahrump Tour. We saw all the schools and the infamous Chicken Ranch. They had some awesome t-shirts like "Freshly Laid." We took Mike's picture to show his friends that he made a stop. But he wouldn't go in and buy a "menu."
Our first stop on the way home was Stratosphere. We went up to the top. They have this new experience where they attach you to a cord and you free drop to the bottom. 880 ft. and you go as fast as 45 mph as you free fall to the bottom. I'm not sure I'd do it.
Right now we are relaxing at our hotel in Whittier, CA. We made the ever nerve wrecking drive down I-15. What a crazy drive. There was a mile back up to go through the inspection station. What a joke...just slows you down to wave you through. It was so busy too. I'm so glad I don't have to drive it again for a while.
The weather is beautiful today, sunny and 72 degrees. I'm not sure what our plans are for this evening and tomorrow. I guess we will find out.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Why am I up at 5:30am? Part 2
View of Hoover Dam from the Bridge |
Yesterday was a very busy and fun filled day. We got up at 4:15 for our flight. The airport was crazy busy at 5:30 am on Christmas Eve. Yikes. Our flight was uneventful.
First stop, Hoover Dam. The new bridge over the gorge is awesome. It is so high! but unfortunately you can't see the Dam because the wall is too high. After turning around in Arizona we head down to the Dam. First stop was the rest area just under the new bridge. After a short walk up 66 steps (or you can do the handicap ramp) we were walking across the new bridge. It was so cool!
View of the Bridge from the Dam |
We made our way back to Vegas and In-N-Out Burger. Yum! It was so good, I was so happy to finally get my burger and fries. Its been over 2 years since my last In-N-Out Burger. I'm starting to sound like an Alcoholic in rehab. LOL!
After a long line at hotel registration, we finally got up to our room and relaxed before heading to 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass at the Cathedral 3 blocks away (on the Las Vegas Strip!). It is kind of weird going to Mass at a church on the Las Vegas Strip.
We made Mom walk a marathon up the strip. We went to the Wynn and checked out their flower display. It was cool. Next we stopped at Venetian to check out the shops and gondolas and the Mirage for the Volcano thing. We went to Gilly's for dinner. It wasn't that great. I ate the cornbread and my mouth went numb. I'm not sure what was in it but it tasted good until the kick happened. It was very weird feeling having my mouth and lips go numb. They were still numb an hour later. We gave Mom a reprieve and hopped on the Deuces bus to the Bellagio for the water show. It was amazing like always.
We rounded the night off with a long bus ride to the Fremont Street Experience. I have to say I really don't like Fremont Street. A combination of old casinos, weird people, loud music and a very tired Kimmer makes for a very unhappy person. I was so relieved to get back to my bed at 11pm. Which begs the questions....why am I up!!!!!
Friday, December 23, 2011
So here is the itinerary for our next week. I came up with some, I think clever, titles for each day. I based it on songs.
December 24, 2011 — “Leaving on a Jet Plane” to Las Vegas (Peter, Paul and Mary)
In 1 day, 6 hours and roughly 21 minutes I'll be sitting down to an In-N-Out Burger, sinking my teeth in the best burgers around. I know that Dylan thinks my countdown to In-N-Out Burger is weird but its one of things I look forward to on our many trips to Vegas. My plan for tomorrow is 7am flight to Vegas, rent the car, drive to Hoover Dam to check out the new engineering marvel, the bypass bridge and than back to Vegas to In-N-Out of burger. After that I don't care what we do.
December 25, 2011 — Christmas in “Pahrump a pum pum” (from Little Drummer Boy)
I also look forward to seeing family again. We are spending Christmas Day with the Wards in Pahrump a pum pum...ha ha I love that name, it always reminds me of The Little Drummer Boy. Only seems fitting to be there on Christmas.
December 26, 2011 — “Going to California” (Led Zeppelin)
December 27, 2011 — “Happy Birthday” Kim (general)
December 28, 2011 — Driving down the “Pacific Coast Highway” (The Mamas & the Papas)
December 29, 2011 — Do You Wanna, “Tijuana Taxi” (Glenn Miller)
December 30, 2011 — Back to “Sin City” (AC/DC)
Back to Sin City we go to meet my cousin Jerry and his family.
I think the trip will be fun. Hopefully all goes well. My goal is to blog each day. We will see if that actually happens. :-)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
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Danielle, Mom and Dylan at the Holidazzle Parade |
This morning, after church, we opened gifts. We drew names this year. Nancy had me and I got my glass and metal 9x9 square pans and a DVD. Dylan had Eric's name and he got all three Revenge of the Nerds, a gift card to Kwik Trip and candy. I had Nancy's Greg and Eric had my mom. Mom really LOVES her gift. Eric insisted we get her a digital photo frame. I loaded it with about 200 pictures. So when she opened it, I plugged it in and let the slide show begin. She was very happy...Eric is so smart!
Soon we will have lunch with Greg and Celeste and at 2pm is my Share the Warmth Concert. I'm very happy that Mom, Mike, Danielle and Eric are coming to see me perform. It has been a great weekend. I love these happy times with family.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Mother Nature didn't waste anytime sending us the cold weather. I read that it is suppose to be 4 degrees tomorrow morning. Yes! I love it. Well not really but I tolerate it. I was thinking about this the other day. The first couple weeks of cold weather, all I want to do is move south. But after that I look forward to walking outside after work into the crispy, clear, cold air. Its so refreshing. It also means that the ice rinks will be open soon and of course Christmas is around the corner.
Speaking of Christmas...I didn't realize there were so many Christmas movies/shows. Every night its something different on the TV and they all seem to have same theme. Evil Santas, Injured Santas, Comatose Santas, Drunk Santas and Sappy Love Stories...blah, blah, blah how many Christmas movies can one take before they want to scream? Oh, and Eric has to watch all of them.
Next weekend is my family Christmas. They are all coming up here. A weekend of fun and family. Holidazzle Parade, dinner, my concert, Very excited!
Only 17 days to Christmas but we will be opening presents before that. All my presents are bought, wrapped and under the tree. Eric still hasn't bought his presents yet. Procrastinator!!!!
16 days, 11 hours, 24 minutes until our vacation. SO EXCITED!!!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Dancing in Kimonos
We had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping. We had an excellent meal with Hiram, Bonnie and family. Juliette, Eric and I went shopping at 10pm. We started at Walmart and got some fun stuff. Eric was our "stand in liner." That line took about 45 minutes. Than we stood in line for 40 minutes to get into Kohl's so I could get mom's heating mattress pad. Score us. That line wasn't too bad. The last stop of the night was Target. I wanted the I Pod Nano but they were cleared out. We got some dvds and stood in line for over an hour snaking around the floor. When we got close the registers we realized that it was a waste of our time to standing line, oh well. We got home by 2:30. Juliette and I went back to Target later on Friday and they had a ton of the I Pod Nanos. So I got a green one...woo hoo!!! We made another trip to Target later to get an IPod Nano for Leilani. It was a good shopping day.
Today Bonnie, Juliette and I went shopping again. I got 2 pairs of boots. LOVE THEM! After that we had dinner at Chris and Leilani. Banyan convinced Juliette and I to create a dance. Click the video to be entertained...haha. I'm not sure why the music disappears and why it is sideways. It sounds just fine on the phone.
It was a great weekend. Tomorrow we get to drive home :-(
Monday, November 21, 2011
George, Nicholas and Wilhelm: Three Royal Cousins and the Road to World War I - Another piece of history but it was a 600 page whopper. I learned a lot but it was very dry at times. Thankfully I mixed in some fun stuff between chapters. The benefit of having a Nook eReaders is having 100 books at my disposal at any time.
Bad Dog: A Love Story - Interesting story, kind of corny.
The Dirty Parts of the Bible - It is not what you think but very funny, it was a 300 page book I finished in one day.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - A classic but I don't get the point.
Great Expectations - Another classic but OMG it was bbbboooorrriingg and looonnng...that was the first book I tackled on the Nook....boy was that mistake it seriously took me weeks to finish.
Sh*t My Dad Says - I laughed my ass off. It was so funny but very profane!
In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin - A very interesting true story...wow the Ambassador's daughter was a Nazi slut!
The Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Medicine, Madness & the Murder of a President - Probably the best book I have read in a really long time. It is ironic that this book is about President Garfield and the Garfield dollar coin was just released by the U.S. Mint on Nov. 17th. I have a funny story about that...check it out below.
Decision Points - I'm not that big of a George Bush fan but this book really changed my opinion of him and his presidency. People blamed him for a lot things that were out his control. Blame for the Katrina debacle is on the Louisiana Governor's head not Bushes.
Answering 911 - A book of short stories from a 911 operator and her experiences. It was a lot sadder than I expected.
Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World - LOVED THIS BOOK! But it made me cry in the end. Of course I knew Dewey was going to die but it was stills sad.
Beware of Cat: And Other Encounters of a Letter Carrier - A good book for short stories. It was really short and I read it a few hours.
I currently at reading:
Grace and Power: The Private World of the Kennedy White House
Until Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him
The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey
Good thing after tomorrow I don't have to go back to work for 5 days so I can finish these books. :-)
Garfield Coin Story
Setting: TCF Bank counter and my conversation with the teller:
Kim: Hey do you have the new dollar coin?
Teller: (blank stare, no response)
Kim: It was released yesterday, its Garfield
Teller: The cat?
Kim: No the President, on the new dollar coin...
Teller: There was a president named Garfield.
Kim: Um, yes. He was assassinated 1881. (I assume people would at least know all the presidents who have been assassinated ...there have only been 4)
Teller: Huh, nope don't have any of those.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

After the Chicken Q we went to church and then played cards and games all night. We played 21 questions and Eric won every game of course.
Sunday we had a grill out at Mike's house with Nancy and Greg. It was good, as always.
Overall it was a great weekend and we ate a lot of food. The scale didn't like me this morning.
Friday, November 11, 2011

Since then our life has been sort of mundane. I have volleyball on Tuesdays and band on Thursdays. The weekends have been uneventful too. Eric and I have gone on a lot of Sunday drives. I feel like such an old couple.
Halloween was cool. We had 42 kids come to our door for candy. That was the most we have ever had. Last year we had around 30. That just means less candy for Eric :-(
Speaking of Eric…Good news he was accepted into the Masters of Organizational Leadership at St. Mary’s University. He starts in January. That means 15 months of continuous school and no social life.
This weekend we are going to Wisconsin for the semi-annual Chicken Q. It is a fun weekend with good food and family. Danielle is riding with us so that is cool. I get to help out again scooping chickens. Fun times but hopefully I won’t hurt my finger this time. Maybe I need different tongs.
Well that’s about it.
Monday, October 17, 2011

This fall has been so great. The weather has been amazing. It was in the 80's a few weeks back. The last two have been very nice too. We haven't had anything going on for the last 3 weekends. I love being done with school and having my weekends back. I never realized it until now how much going to school on weekends sucked.
Volleyball started again. It is so much fun to play again. I really missed it last year. Well nothing else is new.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Saturday and Sunday we had the windows open to let the fresh air in. Sunday we went for a drive with Greg and Celeste to see the fall colors on the county roads along the Minnesota River Valley. It was beautiful. We stopped at Emma Krumbee’s for some apples and pumpkins. Evelyn loves pumpkins. She was picking the little pumpkins and putting them in the cart. It was so cute. We had a fun time.
Fall is one my favorite seasons, spring is the other. Fall is great because the temperatures are cooler (except for this past weekend) and the leaves are so colorful and awesome. It means apples are in season and taste wonderful. I eat at least one a day and up to three a day on weekends. We made 2 apple orchard runs this year already and I think we will probably go again. I love how the house smell while I back apple crisp. Pumpkins are all around. I love pumpkins. And college football is on every Saturday. What a great time of year!
The only downfall to fall (ha ha it’s a pun, get it?) is that winter is around the corner. Now I love snow and cooler temps but it means my sandals have to be packed away and socks have to be worn again. But that’s ok because fall also means the start of volleyball season. We skipped last year and it was heartbreaking for me. So I’m ubber excited we are playing this year. We start in a week. I can’t wait!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Bottom dweller #1: Minnesota Twins
So the Twins have the worst record in the AL. They are trying not to reach 100 losses. They are currently 60-95, 29.5 games back in the AL Central, 7.5 games behind Kansas City…the next worst team!!! And they are playing their AAA Rochester team. Ack! Boo! I have 3 Twins game in 9 days, 2 down (Saturday with Byron and Paula & yesterday with work) and 1 to go (Monday with Alice and Bill). They won yesterday…the first game they have won in like 2 weeks = Awesomeness.
Bottom dweller #2: Minnesota Vikings
I know it’s early by the Vikings are 0-2 and at the bottom of the NFC North. They have had 4 great quarters…too bad they were the first half of each game. They were leading both of those games but somehow lost them in the second half. We got the see the melt down this past Sunday with Byron and Paula. Byron surprised Paula with tickets. She was very surprised…she thought we were going to the apple orchard. HAHAHAHA.
Bottom dweller #2: Minnesota Gophers
They are 1-2. Hopefully Coach Kill (ya, that is seriously his name) won’t suffer anymore seizures during a last minute scoring drive. :-(
On a positive note, the Minnesota Lynx (WNBA) is in the second round of playoffs and the NBA is still locked out so we don’t get to be tortured anymore with another bottom dweller team.
Also this week…
As mentioned above Byron and Paula visited last weekend. We went to a Twins and Vikings game. Byron is seriously cursed….he has never seen a win for the home team at any pro event he has attended. We also went to the Mall of America and rounded out the night at IKEA. Fun! Wednesday we went to Chanhassen Dinner Theater for their production of “Hair Spray” with Mom and Jeanne. It was great! I love that musical.
Mission for this weekend: Recover from this nasty cold.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The trip was pretty much a success. Delaware was surprisingly cool. I liked the state capitol grounds and the Fort. The rain sucked but we were in Atlantic City which is so dumpy outside that it didn’t matter that we were inside most of the days. Ocean City was a huge let down. I was expecting gorgeous beaches and beautiful weather. Instead we got very cloudy, rainy and kind of cold weather. And the beach was awful and the hotel was old and stinky. Yuck! The only silver lining with Ocean City, MD is that the weather was so crappy that making the decision to drive 2.5 hours to Baltimore for a baseball game was easy. I really enjoyed the drive and the game, best of all we got to cross another ballpark off our list. North Carolina’s outer banks were nice, the northern part anyways. I can’t wait to visit there again to see the southern side of the outer banks…the place I really wanted to go but couldn’t because of Irene. It wasn’t the best trip but it was still a good one.
Since we have gotten home, I have done absolutely nothing. I haven’t worked out except for the 30 minutes of tennis I dragged Eric into on Tuesday. I haven’t actually cooked a meal at home yet either. It is going to be a bad month on the fitness spectrum.
I’m really looking forward to this weekend. Byron and Paula are coming up tomorrow. We have a Twins game Saturday afternoon. I haven’t been to a Twins game in ages... For various reason we have only been to 4 this year. With my summer concerts, Eric’s surgery, vacations and family events we haven’t had much time for games. That will change...I will be going to 3 games in the next 10 days! Too bad they suck badly now and are probably going to have 100 losses. What a dismal year!
Usually at this time of year we are either in the hunt or have the division so we can look forward to playoffs. That isn’t the case this year. I can only look forward to next year. Thankfully MLB released the 2012 schedule yesterday. I have so many road trips planned in my head right now. Recently I was telling Eric I wanted to go to Cincinnati and Pittsburgh to see their stadiums. The 2012 schedule is very kind to me because shockingly the Twins play back-to-back series in both of those towns in June. Sweet! Can you guys guess where my annual road trip will be?? Ha Ha I thought so.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
As we bring this trip to a close we are fortunate to get to spend more time in lovely Newport News, VA. Our flight has been delayed over 6 hours because of a mechanically problem and the part is on the 4:00 flight from Atlanta. Oh the joys of flying with Delta. They rescheduled our connecting flight for 9 PM getting to Minneapolis at about 11 PM. We got food vouchers for a whooping $6. How generous of them. So we are sitting at the only restuarant at the airport to use our voucher and wait. Yippy!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
First stop of the day was at Wright Brothers' National Historic Site. We got to see where flying began. Very cool! Tons of exhibits to look at, a replica of their flying machine and the hill where it all began. I took a tumble at the monument...and worst of all Eric got it on tape. So much for showing off for the camcorder.
After that we made our way back to Virginia. We stopped at History Jamestown, the first surviving English Settlement. It was interesting. After that we drove the Colonial Parkway to Yorktown Battlefield. It is where Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington during the Revolutionary War. It was very interesting to see all this history.
We are relaxing at the hotel after a great meal at Smokey Bones BBQ. Tomorrow are going home.
Friday, September 9, 2011
I got really friendly with the mascot. |
Today we started our return trip down south through Maryland and Virginia. We crossed the Chesapeake Bay/Bridge again. It is a 2o some mile bridge/tunnel across the bay. It is consider one of the Seven Engineering Wonders of the Modern World. But it isn't cheap...$12 toll...ouch! We stopped at Fort Story Base to see the Cape Henry Lighthouses. Unfortunately we can't climb them now as Hurricane Irene had her way with them and they were too damage. But I got some nice pictures of the outside. Entering the base was an interesting expense. In May we went to the Naval Air Station in Pensacola and we got right on with no searching. At Fort Story they searched the whole car!
After that we drove down the coast of Virginia, entering North Carolina. We drove down the start of Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Hwy 12 is still damage so we couldn't go down to the Bodie Island Lighthouse. It was damaged by Irene too. We were able to go to Fort Raleigh though so that was cool. After some dinner we did another round of mini golf. It was such a fun course. To start we had to ride a "train" to the start on the mountain and than made our way down the course to the finish. Very cool. I had 2 holes-in-ones but some how I still tied Eric...hum...
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Well it is day 5 of our trip and I'm ready for the rain to go away. Yesterday was a good day we got up early and headed south to the Cape May ferry. We got there in time for the 9:30 ferry. The ferry takes about 80 minutes and cuts over 100 miles off the trip.
We drove down the coastal highway through Delaware and Maryland to the Assateague National Seashore where you can see wild horses on the beaches and marshes. They were beautiful. Check out my pictures.
After checking out the beach we head back into Ocean City, MD for some lunch at the Dumser's Drive-In. I definitely suggest it. Awesome food and apparently good ice cream. I had strawberry shortcake. Yum! Our hotel is on the beach but the beach is awful. I got spoiled in Alabama and Myrtle Beach. But maybe the beach is suffering from Irene? I'm not really sure. We couldn't go into the ocean as the surf was atleast 6 feet high. Not happening! We spent some time in the hotel pool and hot tub. After relaxing a bit we went and played some mini golf...27 holes! It was fun...mom had 2 hole-in-ones!
Today is a dismal day with showers in the area. We are currently heading to Baltimore for an Yankees/Orioles game. Tickets were cheap so we thought why not?
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Well after two days in Atlantic City I can safely say I never want to go back. Our hotel was nice but everything is expensive and way too glitzy. I finally won some money to cover our losses. The city is a dump. That's why I call it a vegas ghetto. We found an interesting irish pub for lunch. The food was good and cheap but the atmosphere was...well...interesting.
Monday, September 5, 2011
We just crossed an awesome bridge from Delaware to New Jersey. It was cool! We are on our way to Atlantic City, NJ.
Yesterday we flew from MSP to Newport News, VA. We got in our Jeep Compass and away we went. We drove through Norfolk and went across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. Very long and expensive...$12!!!! We went through VA and MD to Seaford, DE. We ate at a Friendly's resturant. The burgers were good but chocolate lava cake filled with caramel and top with hot fudge was fantastic.
Our hotel was interesting the first room they gave us wasn't cleaned. My first clue should have been the empty case of Bud Light bottles, the messed up beds and towels everywhere. Gross! They gave us a new room and all was fine.
This morning we drove up to Dover, the capitol of Delaware, and checked out the capitol building. A very historic town since they were the first state. From there we drove up to Delaware City to catch a ferry to Fort Delaware, a civil war prison camp. It was interesting with costumed characters. They even fired an actual Civil War cannon!
That's about it from here...somewhere in New Jersey...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
As with most trips, this one is ever changing. If I didn’t have enough stress trying to figure out the last couple of days, I had the bright idea of checking the Baltimore Orioles schedule. And sure they have a day game one of the days we are in Ocean City, MD. It’s only a 2:30 drive to Baltimore; the game is at 1:05 and the tickets are cheap. So of course my mind is churning. We could make it to yet another MLB Ballpark. But do I really want to drive all the way to Baltimore and all the way back? It is vacation and you are supposed to relax, right? But then again it is a “Kim” trip which means go…go…go…
Sunday, August 28, 2011

If you are interested in the rest of the Hurricane Irene Tour click here.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Every year we go to the MN State Fair on opening day. And this year was no exception. What a great event if you can get past the fact you pay money to get in and then just pay even more money for food that almost certainly will be on a stick.
I think I've been to state fair almost ever year of my life except for the year we got married and some in my childhood. I can honestly say it would feel weird not going.
Anyways we meet Greg, Celeste and Evelyn after work and rode the bus. It is really the only way to go. We started out walking through the Miracle of Birth building were you can seriously see animals give birth! We saw some chicks hatch. Then ate various food items like the famous cheese curds, corn on the cob and Ephinany diner...their last year! Eric is sad :-(
We went through other buildings and while walking through the craft building Eric got separated from us...well when I found him, he had knitting needles in his hand and he was learning how to KNIT! The old lady was very excited to teach Eric. I did a few rows too. After that we got our Sweet Martha cookies and head for the all you can drink milk booth. We rounded out the night walking through the barns, seeing beautiful cows, sheep and horses and icky pigs. Another great MN state fair experience. :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
It is hard to believe that 8 years ago today Eric lost his freedom. In that time we have done a lot. Traveled a ton, welcomed five Godchildren, raised Swirl the mighty cat and bought a house in the entertainment capital of the Twin Cities...Shakopee. Now granted it hasn't been all fun and games. We lost my Grandma in 2003, Eric's Grandma Likens in 2004 and my Dad in 2006. And of course the occasionally blow up with thrown food. From carrots to french fries, from grapes to M&Ms...what can I say I abuse food. But all in all it has been great. Hopefully Eric will say the same. Happy Anniversary Eric!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Saturday was no stop action. We did a walking tour of the “Loop” and checking out the famous sculptures. We made our way to the Magnificent Mile to see the new Marilyn Monroe Sculpture. Chicagoans hate it. Ha ha. This is when the rain started to fall and soon it was down pouring. We took refuge in a Walgreens. Their umbrella stand was a hot spot! Once the rain sort of let up, we took a bus to Art Institute to check out the Impressionism gallery. We didn’t see every painting but we saw quite a bit. After that we went to Wrigley Field for the Cubs game. It is such a dump but it historic so that makes it ok. It is cool to think of all the baseball greats that have played there and the human run score board is way cool. We stuck around for the 7th inning stretch and then beat the crowds back to Chicago. First stop on the way back into town was the John Hancock Building. It’s the 3rd tallest in Chicago. They have an observation deck on the 93rd floor. Amazingly there were no lines!! We took the elevator up and what an awesome view. Loved it! We got some nice pictures of Lake Michigan and the skyline. Next stop Willis Tower on the other side of town. This place was nice but I like John Hancock much better. The lines were ridiculously long. Thankfully we had the Chicago CityPass which entitled us to skip the lines. Awesome! We took in the view, which wasn’t as great as John Hancock’s view but it was still nice. We noticed that the lights were on at U.S. Cellular Field, home of the White Sox. We were shocked to find out they were actually home! That night we bought tickets for Sunday’s game. Anyways, we made our way back down and hopped on a bus back the Navy Pier for the 9:30pm fireworks cruise. Well it wasn’t exactly what I expected and it was a bit steep in price. I probably wouldn’t do that again. We basically paid money to see fireworks from the Lake as opposed to just on the Pier itself…same view just $50 more. Lame! Next time I’m doing the Chicago River Architecture tour. It sounds cool. We got back to our hotel pretty late.
Sunday was another packed day, but not as crazy as Saturday. We started out the morning at the Shedd Aquarium. All I can say is way overrated. Yes it was nice, yes we got to see Beluga whales but is just another aquarium. I think the Aquarium at the Mall of America is cooler… I know *gasp!* But it was included in our CityPass so we took advantage of it. Again thankfully we had the pass the lines were awful. Those poor people! The line was seriously a quarter mile long at least. Ick! After that we went to U.S. Cellular Field for the White Sox game. It was an ok stadium. Not the nicest one, actually it ranks down near the bottom with Miller Park. Eric wanted a Jim Thome White Sox shirt. I went into the Custom T-shirt Shop and asked them if they could make one. The guy at the counter seriously said, “Who is Jim Thome?” My response, “Are you serious?” The dude says, “Is he a current player? Minor league? Retired?” My response, “You don’t know who Jim Thome is? The guy that played for you guys for years? The guy who just hit his 600th HR? Wow!” The dude says, “When did he play for us?” Me, “Like 2 years ago!” To quote Dylan, “Typical Chicago sports fan. Clueless.”
We got home about 9:30pm last night. All in all, it was another great get away weekend.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Also this weekend, Friday was a cook out at Mike’s house. Mom’s sisters, Grace and Bev, came down. That was fun. Best sweet corn, yum! Saturday we played cards ALL DAY and then I had my class reunion. It was ok. Not that exciting. The food was good though.
Update on Eric: He is back to eating normal again. He hasn’t taken any pain meds since leaving the hospital and overall isn’t in any pain. He bounced back quickly. He actually went to work on Friday! Still can’t lift for 3 more weeks.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Green Gorilla

Monday, August 8, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A great day for a picnic
I have gone running 2 more times since Monday night. Both times I ran all but the first 2 minutes (warm up). I'm not really a runner but I am getting faster each time I go out so that is good. Also it is getting easier for me...I never thought I'd say running 2 miles is easy. I was going to run tonight but it didn't happen. Actually I'm pretty lucky, I had my shoes on and was ready to go out the door when I changed my mind....good thing because 15 minutes later it started storming...I would have been over a mile away from home and would have been stuck in it. Phew!
I took some awesome pictures of the lightening (click here). I love storms! It was thundering pretty good too so with Shakopee Derby Days' Fireworks show at the same time as the lightening was flashing and thunder was booming made for a cool surround sound effect. Well Eric just went up to bed. That is a sign I've stayed up way too late, he never beats me to bed. Good night all!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
On Sunday we bought a new TV stand from Ashley Furniture. I love it but I was very upset that it was "Made in China"....WHAT??? CHINA??? Ok like half of my high school class works at Ashley in Arcadia, WI. SO seeing "made in China" kind of pissed me off. But I digress....Our TV looked so silly on the little stand, now it looks cool.
Monday I got an email from Guthrie Theater saying please come back. So the deal was I could get tickets for the Gilbert and Sullivan's "HMS Pinafore" for $20! Cheap!! So we went Tuesday night. It was great. The story is hilarious...click here to see the info on the musical. This play has a special place in Eric's heart as one of The Simpsons episode featured the music from this play, plus it was the play in one episode of Mr. Belvedere and Family Guy made a reference to it too.
1 day until Eric's birthday!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Thursday we had a concert at Chanhassen (see picture). It was a nice night, a little warm, but nothing like what we had the previous days. We have a concert tonight at Centennial Lakes. It is currently 80 degrees at noon so I think it will be a nice day for a concert. Then only one concert left after that.
5 days until Eric's birthday!!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
We got home in time to relax a bit before my family invaded. We went to the Twins/Brewers that night. It was so hot and miserable but than an awesome storm came through and the temp dropped 30 degrees. Unfortunately there was a 2-hour rain delay so the game didn’t start until 9:10pm. It made for a very long night. Allista’s book didn’t come out until the 4th or 5th inning which means that she probably could have made it through the whole game if there wasn’t a rain delay! The rest of the weekend we went mini golfing at Centennial Lakes and went to Valleyfair. We also had a picnic with Greg and Celeste. My family went home early on the 4th. So it was just Allista and Danielle left behind. We went to my 4th of July concert in Eden Prairie with Greg and Celeste. All and all a very fun holiday weekend.
Allista had the rest of the week to herself as Eric and I had to go back to work. She beat the Paper Mario game for the Wii. It took her like 25 hours. On Saturday, Allista and I went to the North Mankato Parade to see Beth march with the Lancers. It was really long parade. We had to leave after 2 hours (!) as I had to get Allista to the airport. I must say it is very weird going through security at the airport but not going anywhere. It was kind of sad, I looked at all these people going fun places and the only place I was going was back home. Allista made it back to Pahrump and I’m sure is enjoying her little brothers again. J
Sunday was great…after 3 weeks with family of some sort it was nice to just sit home and do absolutely nothing. But I got bored really quick and we had to go shopping. Much to Eric’s displeasure, I just can’t sit still!
More car trouble…while driving home from working out Monday morning, the Kia died on me…right on the corner at a busy stoplight…how annoying! Eric came to my aid and so did some of the guys I see at my morning workout. They pushed the car into the gas station, called AAA for a tow and surprisingly I was only 30 minutes late for work! $1,200 later and the Kia works again. Other than that this week has been pretty uneventful.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Albert's gummy bears melted into a gooey colorful mess |
Welcome to the Beautiful Black Hills.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Since my last post from Atlanta airport, there has been a lot going on. The van was towed back to Wisconsin, the insurance dude said it was totaled, my mom started looking for a new vehicle and yesterday she bought one. A 2008 Chevy Equinox. I have to say I'm a little jealous...I've always wanted one of those. So I think all and all everything will be ok.
Besides the van dilemma, life is going pretty good. Nothing too exciting has happen in the last couple weeks. Two weeks ago we went to Sister Rosemary's Golden Jubilee. Amazing! It was very fun. Last weekend I had a concert at the Arboretum and we went to Valleyfair for the first time this year. It was cold! Monday I talked to Adrian and Fa and family for over 2 hours. Eric had 6 games this week (every night he had games). Friday we went to the Twins/Padres Game. I got to see Neshek warming up and he even pitched a scoreless inning for the Padres....I miss him! Yesterday we went down to Independence for the day and got to see mom, Mike and Nancy. And today I'm going on vacation with my friend from Texas, Mary Linda, her mom, aunt and Alice. We are going up the Minnesota 's North Shore of Lake Superior. My most favorite place in the world. Very excited, but nervous about the drive.
I'm slowly recovering from the accident, mentally. I still don't want to drive in rush hour (who blames me) and every time I have to switch lanes my heart starts racing. Hopefully I can get over it. I was doing ok but than on the drive home from the Twins game on Friday we came across a deadly crash on I-35W and the Crosstown split. A Jaguar missed the Crosstown exit and took out the guardrail. First I saw the steering wheel in the middle of the road (Yikes!) and than sadly I saw the body, on the pavement, covered with a sheet. :( That didn't help my recover process! But I look at it and I say THANK GOD, we are all ok.