I’ve run this half marathon the last two years and I did it in 3:05 both times. My times are only 6 seconds different between the two years. Going into this race I didn’t know if I could get 3:05. My training has been terrible this year and I’ve been really slow. I’ve tried speed workouts but I think my bigger problem is a lack on endurance. I haven’t gone on the long runs like I should have.
I had a great dream the night before the race…I was feeling great the whole time and finished faster than I had in years past. I woke up thinking I was going to do it. I was pumped. I wanted to get 3:05 or faster. Well that lasted all of 4 miles. Actually, more like 3.5 miles. I started struggling at mile 4. Why?? I ran 8 miles a week ago and felt fine. What is my problem?? Anyways I trudged through the race and finished at 3:14. NINE minutes slower than the last two years. ARGH!!!!!
Post Race!
I was disappointed in the food after the race. The last couple of years they had Panera sandwiches and cookies in bags that you could grab and eat when you wanted. This year they had vegetarian chili, mac and cheese, potato salad and brats. Not what I would call great post race food. And you basically had to eat then or it got cold. I tried the Mac and Cheese and it was meh. I ate a few bits and threw it away.
The Medals!
I got my 3rd piece of the pictures (the 2017-2020 medals make a picture of the Wisconsin Capitol Building). Only one more year left to complete the set. I can’t wait to move on to another race. There are quite a few races on the same weekend as Madison that I want to do but I got suckered in to the 4 years to complete the picture.
We picked up my mom and Aunt Betty Jane to join us in Madison this weekend. I was very excited to meet Jax, my cousin’s baby, for the first time. We got to see my Uncle Jack and Aunt Jackie. We had dinner with them Saturday night and played cards and games. It was a fun evening. Mom and BJ stayed at Jackie’s house.
After “Party”
Sunday after the race and 30 minutes soak in the hot tub to warm up we met my friends Jenny at her Veterans’ Day concert in DeForest. We went out for dinner after with her family. It was nice catching up.

Monday morning we woke up to fresh snowfall. It made for an interesting drive home. Took an hour to get to Jack’s place which was only like 10 miles away. We got home safely by 4pm.