Triathlon Training Day 4

Saturday, September 21, 2013

So I have this crazy idea that I want to complete a sprint triathlon by myself.  A sprint triathlon is usually ¼ mile to ½ mile swim, 10-15 mile bike ride and a 5K (3.1 miles) run.  Swim…not a problem. I swim that regularly, a couple times a week.  Next is the biking.  Well I just did that at the triathlon on Sunday so that doesn’t scare me too much…I just have to make sure it isn’t an extremely hilly course…or I just have to train harder.  Finally is the part I dread the most…the run.  Can I do all three?  Yes!  Can I do them one after another in a short period of time?  That remains to be seen.

So I have started training.  Now I’ll probably stick to this training for a couple weeks. But inevitably I’ll fall off the bandwagon and in no time at all, I’ll probably be sitting on the couch eating cookies and watching TV. I hope not but I’m not very good at this training thing. All I had to train for the last triathlon was biking and I didn’t do a very good job at that. With any training program, there is a tapering period at a week or two before the race where you do less miles.  My tapering period was like 6 weeks before the race and I never got on my bike until race day.  So I’m not good at committing to this but we will see.

My training so far has been 2 swim sessions where I did 700 yards and 900 yards.  And a 9 mile bike ride.  So that is pretty good for the first 4 days of training.  You notice there was no running or even walking yet…right.  Yep.  Running ugh. I need to do that but in due time.  I need to ease into it.  Hopefully I keep it up.  But right now I want cookie dough…So I’m sitting on the couch and possibly will be eating cookie dough soon.  This isn’t a good sign. LOL!

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