The 220s and a weight loss story

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I’m not going to lie it has been a long time since I’ve seen the 220s.  To be exact it was April 2009.  That is almost 5 years ago!   So here is the long story.   My birthday 2006, my dad has a stroke and passed away the next day.  I was probably pushing 300 lbs.  I’m not exactly sure because I didn’t really care.  I still played volleyball a couple times a week and played basketball, etc…but I ate like crap and drank a ton of Coke and Pepsi.  As tragic as it was to lose my father, that really wasn’t the “ah” moment that I need to do something.  That came 6 months later.  It was this picture that made me go OMG what is wrong with me.  (I just rhymed!)

So this was taken June 10, 2007 at my friend Mary Linda’s house in Phoenix.  I’m mortified by this picture…really I am.  So I was looking through the pictures from this trip a couple weeks later and decided something needed to be done.  That was June 25, 2007 and I weighed 285lbs. (I remember the date because it happened to be Eric’s mom’s birthday.)  But anyways!  I made a very serious effort to lose weight. I lost 10 lbs. in two weeks by just cutting out pop and walking steps at work.  I started slowly…I think only 3 flights. It sucked.  I lost 30 lbs. in three months. I was feeling good.  Here is a picture from our trip to see Phil’s family in Oregon. 

By my birthday (12/27/2008), I had lost over 50 lbs and was about to crack the 220s for the first time in who knows how long.  Here is a picture of what 50 lbs. lost looks like.

By this time, I was only drinking water and couldn’t stand the taste of pop.  So it was a win for me.  I continued to do well and lost about 65 lbs before my first gallbladder attack.  Now  it could be my rapid weight loss that caused this, they are not really sure.  So for the next 3 months I was on basically a no-fat diet. It sucked.  And surprisingly over the course of the 3 months on the no fat diet I really didn’t lose that much.   I was stuck eating fat-free pudding, Jell-O, toast and Subway…the only fast food restaurant I could really eat at.  Here is a picture of me at 80lbs. loss. 

When I had my gallbladder surgery in June 2008, I was down to my lowest…that dreaded 202 lbs.  I never got below that magic number…dammit!  The problem with the surgery was I went from eating no fat to gorging on all the fast food I had been missing the last 3 months.  I’m not perfect.  I occasionally would eat at fast food when I was on this weight loss journey but I always compensated with working out more or eating less the rest of the day.  But after my surgery I went all out.  The first meal I had was with Greg Stayer at Culver’s…cheeseburger, cheese curds and fries. I had to try out my new gallbladderless body.   Over the course of a year or so I gained about 40 pounds. I continued to fluctuate between 235 and 250.  I’m embarrassed to admit it but it is true.  So here I am 1,691 days later I’m finally again under 230.  Yay!

Now I hope I don’t blow it and gain again! :)

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