We had a really fun weekend. We started Saturday by driving down scenic WI Hwy. 35 along the Mississippi River. I forgot how beautiful the drive is. You can tell the Mississippi is low because of the sand bars. It is kind of sad. We also saw some crops that looked horrible with the drought. We stopped by George's Lounge to meet Mom, Mike, Nancy and Dylan and had pizza for lunch. We headed over to Winona Bowl for the Bowling Tournament thing. It was fun. Even Mom bowled! We played 9 pin strike which means if you get 9 pins on the first throw it is a strike. I got a few of those. We played poker too where you throw a dollar in and when you get a strike you get 2 cards and when you get a spare you get 1 card. At the end of the ten frames you look at your cards and whoever has the best hand wins the pot. Eric won games one and three and I won game two so we got $15. My scores were horrible, thank God for handicap! After we finished bowling 3 games we all met over at George's for dinner and learn who we were paired with and the winners. Mom and I were paired with really good bowlers so we tied for 3rd. We got $7.50. Woo hoo! Mom won for lowest game for women and Mike won lowest game for men. It was so much fun!
Yesterday was the Fall Festival at Sts. Peter and Paul Church. Yes, I know August is really "summer" but that doesn't matter, the Fall Festival is always in August. We changed our usually routine. We still delivered the pies and cakes in the morning. But we didn't go to the Polka Mass Saturday night and we didn't do the take-out meals. Instead we got Chicken and JoJos from East End Bar. The increased the price of the meal to $10...it was $8.50 last year!!! We went to Whitehall for 9:15 Mass and then we up to the Festival to play Roll Out the Barrel. I actually won! I got a metal media stand? and some canvas wall hanging. We went into the school to try for a cake in the sucker pull. This year it only cost us $15 for the cake. We played Bingo in the afternoon. Mom was the only one in our group to get a Bingo. We stayed for the Polka music in the evening and didn't get home until after 8pm. It was a long day. I'm so glad we decided to spend the night and take today off from work. We got to sleep in. It was so nice.
Can we say gambling problem?
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