Harney Peak and Bear Butte Hiking

Monday, May 27, 2019

This past weekend we traveled to Rapid City for Juanita's graduation. While we were out there I decided that I need to do some more hiking. The first hike was at Black Elk Point (aka Harney Peak). Last year we did this hike in very hot, sunny weather. We took a wrong turn and ended up doing 9 miles. This year was completely different! I was so glad that I had waterproof shoes. My feet stayed mostly dry for the entire hiking until I stepped into a puddle that was deeper than my shoe. Crap!  It was cold! After the hike, we went to Cabela's to shop for legitimate hiking boots. I'm so glad I did!

The second day I wanted to do Bear Butte. Eric always talks about Bear Butte so I made him take me there. It was a very steep scary hike but I survived. I'm so happy I bought hiking boots. My ankles would not have survived that hike with my other hiking shoes.

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