As usual, January and February have been very busy at work. My life has been work and sleep for 6 days and then on the 7th day...well I didn't rest! I have a half marathon race in two weeks! It was really nice a couple weeks ago so we did 8 miles outside. But then we went back into the deep freeze. I did 10 miles on the treadmill last Sunday. Today was supposed to be 10 again but I struggled. I ran 2 miles but my skin was so itchy from (I assume) chlorine from swimming that I had to stop. I took a quick shower and slathered on lotion and jumped back on the treadmill for 4 more miles. I got very hot and my back was still itchy so I ran in my sports bra (shocking!) and I took a selfie to prove it. I like this angle...makes me look thin. hahahahaha!
So 6 miles in total this morning. After 4pm Mass, Eric and I went to the community center track where I walked another mile and did some weightlifting. It was very dead in the weight room. I need to got there more often on Sunday night.
Also the last couple weeks...
We got two different snow storms that brought us about 2-3 inches each time. Nothing exciting but I got use my snowblower again. I love blowing snow!