Combo's Half Marathon

Monday, March 3, 2025

Combos Half Marathon in Albany, Georgia State #34

The weather was perfect to start. Got warm towards the end. It wasn’t a great race for me but I survived. You’ll never guess what we got at the finish line…more Combos!
This was in our swag bag. (Except Girl Scouts cookies, I bought those from a smart kid selling cookies at the expo.)

Ray Charles at the finish.

Cats, Snow and Running

Sunday, February 16, 2025

As usual, January and February have been very busy at work. My life has been work and sleep for 6 days and then on the 7th day...well I didn't rest!  I have a half marathon race in two weeks! It was really nice a couple weeks ago so we did 8 miles outside. But then we went back into the deep freeze. I did 10 miles on the treadmill last Sunday. Today was supposed to be 10 again but I struggled. I ran 2 miles but my skin was so itchy from (I assume) chlorine from swimming that I had to stop. I took a quick shower and slathered on lotion and jumped back on the treadmill for 4 more miles.  I got very hot and my back was still itchy so I ran in my sports bra (shocking!) and I took a selfie to prove it. I like this angle...makes me look thin. hahahahaha!

So 6 miles in total this morning. After 4pm Mass, Eric and I went to the community center track where I walked another mile and did some weightlifting. It was very dead in the weight room. I need to got there more often on Sunday night. 

Also the last couple weeks...

We got two different snow storms that brought us about 2-3 inches each time. Nothing exciting but I got use my snowblower again. I love blowing snow!

Reba and Finn are doing great, they are living the high life. Maybe too high...Finn weighs over 13 pounds and I'm pretty sure the vet will not be happy.  I tried putting her on a diet by reducing hard food but it isn't working. We recently had pizza and Finn decided to stop us from eating. "if I'm on a diet, HOOMAN, so are you!"

Reba has been her usual cute self. I love her fangled tooth. Not sure when she lost her lower canine tooth but ever since the upper tooth peeks out.

Brynne Play Date

DJ, Elizabeth and Brynne came up for a playdate yesterday. She decided she was going to work for me. She really loves "working." She also showed us her dance moves. We eventually went to IKEA. She found the perfect chair for herself.  And we stopped for some Swedish meatballs. The line was crazy!  We did a walked through the 'as is' section and found Elizabeth the perfect chair. Unfortunately it didn't fit in the car with all of us so I got hangout at IKEA for an hour while Eric ran everybody home and came back with the SUV to bring the chair to our house. It was a successfully trip.  


Carmen's 10th Birthday

Saturday, February 15, 2025

We spent the evening at Greg and Celeste's to celebrate Carmen's 10th Birthday. They had lasagna for dinner and strawberry cake for dessert. Yum!  We played BINGO and I won the first three games. I had a lucky streak. I wish I was that lucky at SSPP Fall Festival Bingo. Ha! 


Great Wolf Lodge

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Nancy got a good deal on Great Wolf Lodge in Bloomington. Her room came with 6 water park passes so we met her and Carter there on Friday night. We got a couple hours in the waterpark, playing basketball with Carter and floating around the lazy river. We had pizza for dinner and Danielle and Bradley got there around 6pm so we had cheesecake for dessert. Danielle, Bradley, Eric and I went back down to the water park for an hour. It was a fun time.

I woke up at 4am Saturday morning and worked until 9:30 and then met them back at the waterpark for a couple more hours of fun. They stopped back at our house on the way home and we played some cards and had some fun. It was a good weekend. 


Downtown Minneapolis Sunrise

Omaha Parties

Thursday, January 2, 2025

We celebrated Adam, Banyan and Chris’ birthdays as well as Banyan’s going away party. She is off to college in Orlando!

The next day (New Year’s Eve) we enjoyed Olive Garden for Adam birthday.

Happy Birthday and Bisek Christmas

We celebrated my birthday at Texas Roadhouse where I got to ride the sawhorse.

On Saturday we had the Biseks over for Christmas. It was fun! I brought out the trombone for Carter to play.

And my polar bear…

Lots of card playing, of course…

And Alec and Blake played Xbox downstairs and Eric and Linda watched TV. (No picture).